PERIFACT can work in a network environment since version 6.
What does that mean; working in a network?
For PERIFACT, it means that you can access the same data from various workstations, such as customer data or invoice data. In fact, all the data you see on the screen can also be retrieved from another workstation.
Do I need to download a special program for that?
No, the standard installation of PERIFACT is sufficient. You do need an additional license key for this. PERIFACT's standard license is intended for 1 workstation, and that is the PC on which you installed it. By purchasing a 2nd or 3rd or 4th or.... license, it gives you the ability to connect to another PC.
So how is the data stored?
The data is stored in a real database called MySQL. Did you know that almost all websites in the whole world-and there are many.... use MySQL? MySQL, in the case of PERIFACT, is a Windows program. So when PERIFACT is installed, there are actually 2 programs installed namely PERIFACT AND MySQL. MySQL is a program without a control screen, something they also call a Windows Service. The data is not shared via some shared folder, but via network traffic and the data comes in via a certain port. About which more will be told later.
Are there limits on the number of workstations?
No, there are no limits built in. PERIFACT's philosophy is that it is intended for the self-employed or small business owner. So is 10 workstations a problem? No that's not a problem. But if you have 100 workstations, you make different technical choices. But even 100 workstations should work, in which case you need a "heavier" server.
Do I need an expensive server to work with multiple people at the same time?
No. It is not all that hard on the system. Advice is given though if you really want to work on data with several at the same time that at the time of data querying it comes at the expense of the speed on the PC you are working on. So then it's better to put a cheap PC in a corner meant for that task.
Does the PC with the database have to be on at all times?
Yes, the workstations point to 1 central PC, on which, as stated above, normal work can be performed. But if that PC is switched off or restarted, no connection is possible from the other PERIFACT workstations at that time. So if it is an employee's PC, that PC must be the first to be switched on and the last to be switched off. An inexpensive PC that sits in the corner and turns off on weekends, for example, might be a better choice.
Do I need an additional license for that PC in the corner?
No, you don't have to. If that is where PERIFACT itself is no longer used (or wants to be used) then that is not a problem. Only the use of PERIFACT counts, the MySQL is only for storing all the administration. However, an observant reader will say; ..... if I install PERIFACT then it does start on that PC..... so that costs me a license. There are 2 things because to avoid. You can indicate during the last step of the installation whether you want to start PERIFACT yes or no. Should you have done so anyway it is still not a disaster, you can revoke a workspace and say you are no longer using it via menu: SETTINGS - NETWORK - AUTHORIZE COMPUTER. By revoking the authorization, that PC no longer participates in counting licenses. However, if you restart PERIFACT there at a later time, it counts me in the license list again and is thus activated again. You will have to deactivate it again after that. If you do the startup and deactivation too often, as it is counted, you will still be obliged to buy a license.
What if I go over the license limit will I still get my data?
Yes. Only creating new invoices or creating new customers is then blocked. The data is retained. If you accidentally go over the limit you can revoke your license via menu: SETTINGS - NETWORK - AUTHORIZE COMPUTER. By revoking the authorization that PC no longer participates in counting licenses. However, if you restart PERIFACT there at a later time, it counts me in the license list again and is thus activated again. You will have to deactivate it again after that. If you do the startup and deactivation too often, as it is counted, you will still be obliged to buy a license.
Does PERIFACT also work over the "big" Internet?
No ( and a little yes ...). Basically no, it is only meant for a home (wifi) network or a corporate environment. And yes, it can be done if it runs through a VPN connection. But PERIFACT does not support network operation and setup. Ask your system administrator for this.
Can the MySQL database also be on a NAS?
No. Not yet. This requires a completely different installation procedure and is not supported at this time. We are not ruling it out, but if and when is not known.
Is the name of the PC important?
I see in the scan that PERIFACT can perform on the network that the PC name is also shown. Is that important? Imagine I want to change the name.... No way, doesn't matter. It only connects by IP address. That should remain the same.
Can I see which IP address I am connected to?
Yes, at the bottom left of the PERIFACT screen it says the IP address that you are connected to. And sometimes it says "127.0.01," this also means the PC you are currently sitting behind.
Do I need to arrange or set anything else to connect to another PC?
PERIFACT's installation script will ensure that PORT 3306 of the PC is opened. This is the default port for MySQL communication. With larger and/or more complex corporate networks, something else might need to be arranged at a central location to allow this traffic. Each PC within your company or network has a unique number, called an IP address. Just as your house down the street also has a unique number. But inside a house can live several people, one or more of whom can do nice smart things, within an IP network they call this a port. So behind that port is a smart program doing work for you. And in the case of PERIFACT, MySQL is behind port 3306.
What does that folder I had to specify when installing PERIFACT do?
Sometimes temporary (work) files are stored in there and, more importantly, the entire (MySQL) database is backed up there when PERIFACT is closed. So I would regularly copy this folder onto a USB stick so that in the event of a computer crash, you can retrieve your data. The real MySQL database itself is in the c:perifactDB folder.
Can I see which folder my backup files are in?
Yes. At the bottom of the PERIFACT screen is your backup folder. A double-click on that folder name will open an explorer window.
If I switch my database to another PC do I have to re-enter the license code?
It probably does. Go to menu SETTINGS - STANDARD and check the number of licenses there after you connect to the new PC.
Are the databases kept in sync between the various PCs?
Can I move data from one PC to another?
No, not yet. Backup and restore, see menu : EXTRA - BACKUP AND RESTORE will have to get you started. Something will be built in the near future.