The development of PERIFACT does not stand still! Today, version 9 of PERIFACT was released. We are proud to announce that iDeal payment links can now be added to your invoices. This makes your invoices paid even faster! Want to know how to set that up, read then this page. Payments are made through Mollie, the Netherlands' largest payment provider. You've probably seen Mollie at checkout in an online shop. As soon as you create an invoice, PERIFACT will automatically create the payment link for you, you don't have to do anything more!
What else is new in version 9?
One end user is not the other. Some want the policy number entered as mandatory when entering contact data, others want the cell phone number. This can now be set via the main menu SETTINGS - BASIC - CONTACTS.
Do you have brochures, conditions, photos or any other attachments you would like to send with every mail? That's possible, from now on you can send these kind of documents, see menu: SETTINGS - GENERAL DOCUMENTS
Furthermore, many other smaller and larger (internal) things have changed. All this to be the BEST FACTURE PROGRAM OF THE NETHERLANDS!