Help product management


Unit: A new unit you devise can simply be entered here and is automatically saved for reuse. Units can also be managed in the SETTINGS - EXTRA screen.

Product group: Product group entry is not mandatory. This may start to be used in a later version of PERIFACT when calculating sales. Does not appear on the invoice. For example, you can divide various materials/ products/hours into a group. A new product group created by you can simply be entered here and is automatically saved for reuse

PRODUCT GROUPS can also be managed in the SETTINGS - EXTRA menu.

Current stock: Stock is updated when creating a new, change, delete or credit invoice. Turn off the option "Stock count?" if this is not a stock product. For example; hourly wage

Sales price: You can also enter negative numbers for discounting.

Location: Entering product location is not mandatory.Useful if you want to indicate the location, for example "Theorem 4 - box 8"

Manufacturer Name: Manufacturer name entry is not required. Used for internal use only. Does not appear on an invoice

Supplier name: Supplier name entry is not required. Used for internal use only. Does not appear on an invoice.

Special price / dealer price: Not required. This is useful if you do not want to use the normal standard selling price but, for example, a cheaper price especially intended for your special customers. Useful for a middleman or a dealer.

When creating a new invoice, this special price can be selected. Therefore, if you do not enter anything, this price will remain 0 euros.

Cost/purchase price: Not required

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