How does PERIFACT-XL work in a network

How does PERIFACT-XL work in a network?



Do you use PERIFACT only on one computer? Then the SA version perfect for you! Economical and user-friendly, this version has all the functionality you need to keep your billing running smoothly.

Want to work with multiple users on the same data? Then the XL version the best choice. This version is networkable and offers additional functionality, such as:

  • Multiple users: Work with your colleagues on your invoicing. PERIFACT-XL supports multiple users with different access rights.
  • Central database: The data is stored in one central location so that everyone always has access to the latest information.

Which version is right for you?

The table below will help you choose the right version for your needs:

Feature SA version XL version
Users 1 Multiple
Database location Local
Locally or on a server
Functionality All basic functionality
All basic functionality + additional network functionality

SA stands for Stand Alone and XL state eXtra Large.


You do not need to purchase a separate server for the PERIFACT-XL database. You can simply use one of your own work PCs. However, it is important that this PC is turned on when you want to work with PERIFACT-XL from other workstations (your 2nd, 3rd, etc.), because those workstations must connect to this PC.

However, do you have a PC that is always on in your company? Then it is recommended that you install PERIFACT-XL on it. This provides a more stable and reliable environment for the database.


  • No separate server required: You can use an existing work PC.
  • Pc must be on: The PC with the database must be on for other users.
  • Recommended: Always-on PC: If you have it, use it for the database for optimal performance.
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Switching from PERIFACT SA to XL?

Good news! Are you using the PERIFACT SA version and want to switch to the more powerful XL version? You can! You can easily convert your existing SA data to the XL version.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open PERIFACT XL.
  2. Go to the main menu and select EXTRA'S > CONVERT.
  3. The conversion wizard will start. Follow the on-screen instructions to convert your SA data to XL format.
  4. Once the conversion is complete, you can open PERIFACT XL and use your converted data.

XL database location

The major difference between the PERIFACT SA and XL versions is in the location of the database.

SA version:

  • The database is always local on the PC where PERIFACT is installed.
  • This means that you can only work with PERIFACT on that one PC.
  • The database is easy to backup because it is a single file.

XL version:

  • The database can be stored in two ways:
    • Locally on the PC where PERIFACT is installed (just like the SA version).
    • On another PC on the network, acting as a server.
  • If you store the database on a server, it is important that this server is always on when you want to work with PERIFACT.
  • The database on the server does not need to be backed up separately; PERIFACT handles this in a different way.
  • You can work with multiple users on the server at the same time.

Benefits of a PERIFACT XL server database:

  • Multiple users: You can work on the database with multiple users at the same time.
  • Central location: The data is always available in one central location.
  • Optimized performance: The database is optimized for use on a network, allowing you to work faster and more efficiently.

Which version is right for you?

The choice between the SA and XL versions depends on your needs:

  • Do you use PERIFACT only on one computer? Then the SA version perfect for you!
  • Want to work with multiple users on the same data? Then the XL version the best choice.

If the database is installed on another PC, no extra license is needed for this, so no extra cost! All PERIFACT-XL MySQL issues will always be found in the folder c:perifactDB, another directory location is not possible. This folder does not necessarily need to be backed up. PERIFACT handles backups in a different way read here.


Practically speaking, how should I proceed?

Objective: Allow multiple PERIFACT-XL users to work with the same database.


  • Multiple computers with PERIFACT-XL installed (clients).
  • One computer acting as a server
  • Network connection between all computers


  1. Installation on the server:

    • Install PERIFACT-XL on a computer acting as a server. This may also be your own workstation.
    • Run PERIFACT-XL on the server and check that everything is working properly.
    • If necessary, import the PERIFACT data you want to use.
    • Find the IP address of the server. This can be found in PERIFACT-XL under Settings > Network > Find database/server on network.
    • The PERIFACT-XL program on the server may be closed.
  2. Client configuration:

    • Open PERIFACT-XL on a client computer.
    • Go to Settings > Network > Find database/server on network.
    • Click on Manually enter an IP address.
    • Enter the IP address of the server that you noted in step 1.
    • Restart PERIFACT-XL on the client computer.
    • The client computer should now use the server's data.
    • Repeat these steps for all client computers.


  • The server computer must always on When client computers want to use PERIFACT-XL.

Google Drive and Dropbox are not alternatives for network use


  • The use of Google Drive or Dropbox as storage for concurrent use with PERIFACT-SA will be strongly discouraged.
  • These methods are not designed for sharing and editing data by multiple users.
  • The risk of data loss and corruption is significant.
  • PERIFACT offers no support for this kind of use.

Why Google Drive and Dropbox are unsuitable:

  • No synchronization mechanism: Google Drive and Dropbox are designed for file storage, not real-time synchronization of data. This can lead to conflicts and data loss when multiple users work on the same files at the same time.
  • No locking mechanisms: There are no built-in locking mechanisms to prevent multiple users from modifying the same data at the same time. This can lead to inconsistent data and errors.
  • Performance issues: Sharing large files via Google Drive or Dropbox can be slow and lead to performance issues, especially when used over a low-bandwidth Internet connection.

PERIFACT-XL: Local Access and Remote Desktop

PERIFACT-XL works only within one local network, such as a home network with IP addresses in the 10.x.x.x or 192.x.x.x range. This provides the best performance and stability. So it works not about the "big" Internet.

Remote Desktop for remote access:

If you still want remote access to your PERIFACT-XL system, then Remote Desktop an option. This does require some network knowledge and will be used by PERIFACT not officially supported.


NAS storage not compatible with PERIFACT:

Unfortunately, it is not possible To use PERIFACT directly on a NAS device. The PERIFACT database requires a Windows system, while NAS devices typically use a different operating system.

Why PERIFACT doesn't work on NAS:

  • PERIFACT database: PERIFACT uses a special database designed specifically for Windows environments. This database cannot be run on a NAS device.
  • Operating system: NAS devices typically use an operating system other than Windows, such as Linux or a proprietary NAS operating system. PERIFACT is not compatible with these operating systems.


For PERIFACT XL, for each workstation ( read PC ) one license you need. So if you have 3 workstations then you need 3 license codes and then enter them in menu SETTINGS - LICENSE of PERIFACT.

Each PC is given its own name by the Windows operating system; when connecting to the PERIFACT database, the number of PC names is counted. If the number of names is exceeded, an additional license is required. If a connection is accidentally made or you want to quickly test something, it can be removed from the count, but this can only be done a limited number of times! 


Adjust IP address of server manually

If for some reason you can no longer start PERIFACT because the database has changed IP address, do the following on all client/workplace PCs:

  • Close PERIFACT first!
  • Press the Windows key ( it is next to the space bar ). Type in: regedit
  • On the left side, select: HKEY_CURRENT_USER
  • Then go to Software and then PerifactXLSoftware
  • There, modify DB_HOST_IP with the IP address of the desired computer on which the database is active.