Help settings email


PERIFACT main menu SETTINGS - EXTRAs, [Email] tab.


Sender email: This is the email address of which users can see where it came from. Are you using Outlook? Then Outlook may be using its own sender data entered in Outlook. If you use the "Manual email send settings" then this setting will be applied. For example:

Sender name: This is the text the recipient will see. For example, "Two-wheelers for everyone." 


PERIFACT email settings v11.68


Use company data 

  • If OFF: Then the sender email and sender name data you enter in the image above will be used.
  • If ON: the sender name and sender email from the company data you used at menu SETTINGS - BUSINESS DATA. This is useful if you have entered multiple companies

Caution! Some email providers do not always allow you to send something with a domain name unknown to your provider. In the sense that the name does not belong to your email account. For example: if your sender email is then this will not work.

Send your own copy with shipment

If ON then a copy email (read: a BCC copy, so your customer won't notice) will be sent via email to the listed 'Sender Email' address as shown in the image above.


Useful for larger companies; Enclose UBL invoices: if ON then when sending an invoice, this is a PDF file, the UBL document (this is an XML file) will also be attached. The UBL specification dictates that a UBL must always be accompanied by a PDF. A UBL file is an agreed upon standard and can be useful for accountants of (larger) companies.

Show Outlook on dispatch

If ON then when an email is sent the Outlook application is started and allows you to customize your email even further. If OFF then Outlook is still used to send the email but you will not see Outlook then, and thus works faster. 

Manual send settings

If Outlook is not installed on your PC or you do not want to use it then you can send emails via PERIFACT. Consult your hosting provider for proper SMTP settings. ( Or cheat in your email program you use on your PC ). Google users also read the paragraph below it!

SMTP hostname: these settings is from your email provider. Here could be for example: Your provider can tell you what SMTP settings you should have. If you have UPC it could be quite different. In most email programs on your PC you can also find these settings!  Google users please read the following paragraph below!

Sample SMTP host names of large institutions are: "“,  “" or ""    Check with your email provider to see what your SMTP settings are!

Username: this is the account you got from your provider. Usually this is your email address.

Password: this is the password belonging to your username


  • Port 25 is normally intended for connections without SSL. Is almost no longer used
  • Port 465 or 587 is commonly used with SSL (read:secure) connections. Port 465 or 587 are the most common ports. You will usually have to enable the SSL option (see below). Consult your email/hosting provider for the correct port!

SSL: This is usually ON these days. If ON then you have a secure connection to your hosting provider.

GOOGLE users

To send emails through a Google account, there are a few things to check and/or set up with Google itself. Google is a fine email provider but has several safeguards to prevent abuse. Take the following steps:


  • Enter as STMP hostname:
  • Username: ... your Google email address....
  • Password: ... your Google password...
  • Port : 587
  • Use SSL: ON

Perform the further actions as still described below!

Google manual settings 1 | Best invoice program Windows - PERIFACT - invoice software

And now comes something important; you need to turn "Access by less secure apps" ON in Google, via this link: PERIFACT ( and many other apps) are unknown to Google, Google only knows its own stuff, so that's why you need to turn this ON. If that doesn't work, also read the info below.

Do you get a notification that "AUTHENTICATION IN 2 STEPS" - is on?

Do you see a notification from Google that after clicking the link above you can NOT turn on "Access by less secure apps"?
Google notification that 2FA is on

Then we need to go create a password specifically for PERIFACT, go back to your account:   And from the left menu, select SECURITY and select "APP PASSWORDS"


Select "EMAIL" from the selection list:
Google APP password EMAIL | Best invoice program Windows - PERIFACT - invoice software

Select "WINDOWS COMPUTER" from the 2nd drop-down list and press the "GENERATE" button


A password will now appear. Enter this password ( without spaces ) in PERIFACT.

Google APP password the generated password